Get ready to join us on an epic journey as we travel
to all seven continents. We're not just sightseeing, though. We're diving
headfirst into the incredible world of animals and their habitats. From the
freezing arctic tundras to the lush rainforests, we'll explore how these
fascinating creatures adapt to their environment. We've got a ton of exciting
activities and games lined up to make this journey a blast!
01/24/2024, 01/31/2024, 02/07/2024, 02/14/2024, 02/21/2024, 02/28/2024, 03/06/2024, 03/20/2024, 03/27/2024, 04/03/2024, 04/10/2024, 04/17/2024
Participants must currently be in grades preschool to kindergarten.
Minimum: 5
Maximum: 15
Registration starts on 11/06/2023 and ends on 01/23/2024.
Please contact The Clariden School if you have any questions.