Learn how to manage your money in this program promoting essential life skills! Set your financial goals, develop a budget from scratch, shop for a credit card, and calculate the monthly cost of your dream car. Students also learn about mortgages, FICO scores, taxes, and the dangers of piling up debt. Through simulations and hands-on activities, participants gain confidence to explore financial decisions they will have to make in the future.
01/16/2024, 01/23/2024, 01/30/2024, 02/06/2024, 02/13/2024, 02/20/2024, 02/27/2024, 03/05/2024, 03/19/2024, 03/26/2024, 04/02/2024, 04/09/2024
Participants must currently be in grades 6 to 12.
Minimum: 6
Maximum: 15
Registration starts on 11/06/2023 and ends on 01/15/2024.
Please contact The Clariden School if you have any questions.